Monday, November 15, 2004

Everything in threes.

Well, well... I've decided to descend into the shallow stinking pool that is e-chain-survey-ing. Since I responded to someone else's survey, I will keep my word and paste this on my little journal for everyone to complete. This, undoubtedly, is just the beginning. Soon enough, I will visit others' blogs and fill out this damned survey a hundred times over (and a hundred times again!) - at least for those who bothered to post this. For that, I apologize ahead of time. Now please, fill out the forms below, and don't pretend to miss part C. Though Jesus will forgives you, I shall not.

(A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:

(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.

(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.

Post your answers in my comments, I'll answer part B as promptly as possible.

Perhaps this survey is more constructive than others - I may benefit from some cultural enlightenment. Action movies, science fiction, and pop music lacks depth(... i guess).


Anonymous said...

(A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie: Team America. Not for everyone, but I think you'll enjoy it....that's if you haven't already seen it.
2. a book: you should recommend me one. i don't remember the last time i read a non-school related book. so sad.....but ppl say Harry Potter is really good. read it an tell me.
3. a musical artist, song, or album: hum...i think you would like Evanesance

(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.

1. Who are you currently dating? (you seem to be hinting at it thanksgiving dinner)
2. What occupation are you aspiring to become?
3. What is your greatest pet peeve?

Dust said...

1. Who are you currently dating? (you seem to be hinting at it thanksgiving dinner)

Was I? (Way to answer a question with another question!) I am currently not dating anyone.

2. What occupation are you aspiring to become?

I am aspiring to become a pharmacist.

3. What is your greatest pet peeve?

People who post anonymously. No really, its probably something like not getting enough sleep... I'm not sure really. Getting peeved is a function of mood.

i said...


1. The Best Years of our Lives
great oldie about the effects of war on soldiers after they've gone back home. The amputee in the movie is canadian and he won an oscar for his performance. which he had to sell when he got old cause he was poor but he had to take care of his family....

2. The Rape of Nanking. I'm suggesting this as a tribute to the late Iris Chang.

3. The soundtrack to Gattaca. Or pretty much anything by Michael Nyman (The Piano, End of the Affair, The claim). Great studying music if you can't study to music with lyrics and like emotional orchestral type stuff.


1. If you could meet anyone in the history of this world (dead or alive), who would you meet?

2. If you could only ask this person one question, what would it be?

3. What is the greatest regret of your life?

Dust said...

1. If you could meet anyone in the history of this world (dead or alive), who would you meet?
My future wife.

2. If you could only ask this person one question, what would it be?
Would you like to go get a cup of coffee?

3. What is the greatest regret of your life?
Not studying hard in first year

Simon said...

movie: shaun of the dead
book: life of pi
artist/album: annie - anniemal

what's your favourite activity/hobby?
what do you look for in a woman?
biggest pet peeve?

Simon said...

oops, wendy (i think) already asked what your biggest pet peeve is.

i will change my question tooo.....

what's your favourite food?

Dust said...

1. What's your favourite activity/hobby?

Nowadays, it's playing poker or spending time with friends, while smoking a bowl of fragrant leaf and drinking. Recently, I acquired a bottle of Bushmills Irish Whiskey, as advertised at the LCBO, aged 16 years in three different woods. Definitely a must-have this year... definitely.

2. What do you look for in a woman?

Someone who's intelligent, well read and opinionated, without being militant; curious, a little nosy, but not obsessively invasive; neat and organized, but not anal; Comfortable to be with, easy to talk to; not hot, but fairly average looking - clear skin, good teeth, reasonably fit, healthy hair.

3. What's your favourite food?
Prime Rib with horseradish.

Cammie said...'re not picky...not at all...

Cammie said..., you're not picky...not at all...

Dust said...

The first porridge was too hot... the second porridge was too cold... the third porridge was juuuust right.

The moral of the story?
Hot girls will burn you. Ugly girls will fail to kindle the fire within you, and leave you feeling cold inside. Average girls are just right.

Dust said...

1) where would you most like to visit?

Some tropical island. Barbados.

ii) your favourite course/prof in university so far?

Prof Baker. BCH210H1F

iii) favourite actor/actress?

"Hey Suhlly, remembah when I said I'd kill you lahst? I LIED." AHNOLD!!!
actress?? probably somebody like Charlize Theron.

Anonymous said...

hey dust,

i don't care to answer all the questions . . . but i have a movie recommendation. OldBoy. it's a korean flick based on a japanese manga. won something good at Cannes this year, methinks. it's pretty twisted --- you'd prolly like it.

- mike