Thursday, March 03, 2005

Sid Smith Bazaar

I'm posting for the sake of posting now. My topic that I alluded to before isn't ready to be posted.

In the recent months, the Sidney Smith building at the heart of Arts and Science has turned into something akin to a slummy bazaar in the outskirts of Istanbul. Please allow me to outline the similarities. 1) Gathering of poor people. 2) As soon as someone steps through the door, they are hounded by clusters of people trying to sell (not in the traditional sense of the word) something. 3) Stands/booths set up on the periphery of the lobby. 4) Undesireables (smokers) hanging out in front of the doors, intimidating passer-bys. 5) Cheap meat in numerous portable stands outside (street meat, food trucks).

Its to the point that I don't want to walk through SS, except that I have to, to get to class. Every time I walk in, I'm besiged by some activist or another... Vote Evolution! Israel is an apartheid state! Visit Portugal! Free the Falun Gong! Freeze Tuition Fees! Big party on Friday, ladies free before 11pm! Join the Communist Party of Canada (no joke)... And if I don't take one of their shitty little papers, they look at me with disdain, "Oh, look at that guy, he's one of the 70% of students who doesn't participate in university affairs." Oh, fuck off. Take your shitty election platform and shove it up your shitty ass.

To make matters worse, they've begun invading the classrooms too. Students will borrow time from profs at the beginning of class to speak about their issues. Activist wannabes will commandeer the overhead projector to display their ads before the prof arrives. I mean, yeah sure, its university, the left-wing capitol of the city, but is a little professionalism too much to ask? I feel like I'm in High School, and the SAC election is like the EHSS SAC election - just superficial bashing and catchy ads, and no real substance.

Ahh, whatever.


Anonymous said...

Well, they bombard you with election ads because it pays $40k + a year to be on SAC...


Cammie said...

i want to read your other post that's not ready...

try avoiding eye contact and when they approach you flash them a look like they're crazy for attempting to come up to you....

Ivan said...

it pays 40k a year to be on SAC??? i really had no idea... does everyone on SAC get paid that much?

Dust said...

I think SAC prez gets that much, to compensate for having oh-so-much to do that a year needs to be taken off from school.

And actually only 10% of the student body voted last year...

Anonymous said...

chill man..


Anonymous said...

hahah . . .

i didnt vote either . . .

but i still feel like a smoke . . .