Thursday, April 28, 2005

Cam's Xanga Reposted

How could you not know how to copy and paste???
haaa.......I just walked over to the recycling bin to empty my three hole punch......half of the confetti ended up on me and the floor. there was only one witness, and she saw me standing there, slowly picking off the confetti from my shirt so as not to make more fall onto the floor. then i looked around....looked at the floor....and hesitantly walked away. she had the decency not to laugh at me. ....if i saw me in that situatioon i would've cracked up.

There. Just highlight text, copy, go make a post in blogger, change the date and time, and paste into the box...

1 comment:

Cammie said...

I swear, it doesn't work when I do it here. Your showing that you can doesn't change the fact.