Friday, July 15, 2005

Only you.

Yes. Only you could notice it, and only you would ask if I wanted to go out and celebrate.

In other news, white water rafting was a hoot. I don't think I've had that much fun on water since inner tubing at the Little cottage. Admittedly, inner-tubing was more exciting because of the speed, but rafting was exciting in a different way. It was more the power-of-nature-to-smash-you-on-a-rock kind of exciting. Trail riding was power-of-nature-to-smash-your-balls exciting. Cam says galloping is easier, but I figure I need to clock some more time on a saddle before trying a gallop.

There's so much love on SDEH (/Sarcasm). I think people are just too busy living their lives to put much time into community dragonboat. At this point, being out of school and all, I feel it's better to form a team of close local friends to train for a season... but where am I going to find 25 local friends who hang out together all the time? This first half-year has been full of dissapointment in every area of my life. Maybe if I get a medal tomorrow, I'll feel better.


Cammie said...

bah! what did we miss? You got a medal? should've seen the dude riding behind me. he was the one we gave cut-eye to on the bus ride there in the flip flops and beach shorts and no shirt. he was holding on so tight he ripped skin off his hand..hahaha. he was hilarious. our guide was laughing so hard trying to relay what she was seeing over her walkie...i think she made us gallop and trot just to see them suffer. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Ivan said...

i'm going to sound like a bad self-help tape right now but....

don't give up man. i know what it's like to have low times when everything looks bleak and things seem stacked against you. (see my post from about... october 2003 regarding MCAT). but if you really want what you want, it'll come to you. patience is all that's required.

i am willing to join your DB team of 25 of just close local friends. that makes 2. 23 to go.

Anonymous said...

i'll join next long as you don't mind me being in waterloo all the time and coming home every now and then for practices....