Friday, May 08, 2009

Going green

We've started ordering groceries directly to the office. Every week, I order a box of fruit, which is delivered straight to my desk. This week, I got a canteloupe, a bunch of bannanas, a box of strawberries, 3 grapefruits, a bag of apples, and 4 pears. It just happens to be whatever is fresh at the Terminal, local if possible. The food is guaranteed fresh, and we can exchange overripe or rotten fruit. I trade some of my fruits to my colleagues for veggies - namely carrots. I take home some of the bigger or messier items, and the remainder I eat at my desk as snacks. The odds and ends, cores and pits I throw into my secret compost under my desk where I raise and breed worms.


1 comment:

blt said...

that is a great idea! (minus the worm-breeding, maybe)