Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Roots Footwear

The Toronto Star last Saturday featured the return of Roots footwear in early August.

Since I wasn't alive during the glory days of Roots boots, I can't say I can associate with any strong feelings of nostalgia. Still, I am curious to see what Roots will have to offer. I regard Roots Leather highly for several reasons:

1) Style. The Canadian identity was born out of the frontier. Plaid flannel, touques, and muk-luks. Frugal simplicity and un-pretentiousness have been the key ideas of this country growing up, and are reflected in the designs at Roots. Tough raw textures combined with functionality resonate with our values and traditions as outdoorsmen and naturists. No wait, not naturists... those are something else. Pioneers, builders, hunters, and if need be, warriors.

2) Quality. Made by Canadian Unionized Labour in Toronto. Not to be confused with Chinese Socialist Labour in Guangdong. Built tough like Ford, but also actually reliable, like Toyota. Case in point - it's been about two years and My Roots Raiders bag has yet to fail me.

3) Price. In terms of bags, you won't find better value anywhere else. Any comparable leather bag is designer-branded and will cost you twice as much. Where jackets are concerned, they're double the price of what you can get at Danier, but almost twice as well made, and twice as tough.

4) Cowhide. It's all about the toughness and stiffness of cowhide. Soft lambskin is for ladies and soft skinned Italian men who switch to the winning side when the outcome of a war is becoming quite clear. If you've been watching the highlights of the Stampede, you'll know where cowhide comes from. It's all about the hyper-masculine Canadian cowboy image. Think Brokeback Mountain but with real men who don't show their emotions and rely on a sense of humour to deal with problems.

Now, if the new old Roots footwear sticks to the model they've painstakingly created over the last couple of years, I'll be really interested in what they have to offer.



ehbaba said...

I looooooooooooove Roots purses. They definitely have great designs and quality for ridiculously good prices.

I was never a huge fan of the original Roots sweaters but got the classic zippered hoodie when we (temporarily) moved to Australia. I wanted to REPRESENT! When I got here, I found out that "root" is a really bad word for having sex...about as bad, if not worse than, "f***". So now I have think twice about wearing a top with ROOTS smeared across the front of my chest.

Cammie said...

i like the new roots purse, but i want more than the magnet to keep it closed. but its cute. I think i'll like their shoes...for guys.

Dust said...

haha. If I ever visist Oz, I'll be sure to wear my Roots stuff. It'll be scandalous.

Roots Leather also makes dog leashes and collars. They look like miniature belts.


LesSilly said...

Before I came to China, I thought about buying my little cousins Roots t-shirts. Found 2 really great ones, and then I looked at the label, and it said "Made In China", so I put them down.

Dust said...

Yes, Roots actually has brand presence in HK.

I believe there's a Roots section in one of the department stores in HK - I think it was SOGO.


Steph said...

hmm strange i dont think i own any roots clothes or accessories. The best napsack/handbag i have ever owned was from eddie bauer or from mec i still use it everyday... although i should really get something more professional...

Simon said...

Cammie has a sweatshirt that says "Camp U Screw" across the front, if that makes you feel better Steph.

Cammie said...

that was irrelavent

Simon said...

I disagree.

Topic: sweatshirts that have slogans denoting sex or sexual acts.

ehbaba said...

Touché, Simon!

Cam, if you ever come for a visit, let's wear our sweaters out together!!