Monday, July 19, 2010


For the record, I started growing my beard after my Sister's Wedding, as planned since early June (no hair cuts or shaving until September!). My beard plans predate the beard fad that is now being highlighted by a variety of sources online.

Saw Rock of Ages and Legally Blonde with KT over the last couple of weeks. Both shows were pretty good.

Rock of Ages stars the same French dude who was in We Will Rock You, as well as the chick who played Maria from the Sound of Music. Anyway, we went to the theatre a couple hours before showtime, and entered the lottery for discount tickets. We scored 2 front-row seats for $25 each. I think there are 15 lottery tickets each show, so if there are less than 15 people entering the lottery (only 8 ppl entered the lottery for our show), you’re guaranteed the ticket. We sat front row, off to the right of the stage (don’t sit in the centre because you’ll get spit on by the singers…). I think sitting front row is a totally different experience because you can hear the actors’ real voices belting out those songs, and see the expressions on the faces. It’s pretty amazing. Anyway, for $25 a pop, it was definitely well worth the show.

Legally Blonde was… Legally Blonde. Initially, I was skeptical about how good a Legally Blonde musical could be because of the generally cool reception from critics. It's commonly described as 'vapid,' or 'vacuous,' but I realized that that’s exactly the selling point of a Legally Blonde musical. The musical is the same as the movie, so it stands to reason that if you liked the movie, you’ll like the musical. I liked the movie, so I liked the musical.

Saw Inception last night. Gotta say, it’s my fav movie this summer.



Simon said...

I actually enjoy legally blond (the movie) roughly as much as enjoyed Inception.

You might think that to be a criticism.

It is not.

blt said...

I do remember you liking that "you beeeeeeetch" line quite a bit