Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Carry-on luggage banned on Can -> US flights

The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority has banned all carry-on luggage on flights from Canada to the US. The exceptions to this are:

personal items such as medication or medical devices, small purses, cameras, coats, items for care of infants, laptop computers, crutches, canes, walkers, containers carrying life sustaining items, a special needs item, musical instruments, or diplomatic or consular bags.



Simon said...

Strangely enough, carry-on isn't banned coming into the country.

Dust said...

That's correct. We're more concerned about Americans getting blown up than we are of getting blown up.

blt said...


ehbaba said...

The stupid thing is...I crammed all my crap in a "small purse" while a bunch of old ladies in front of me brought a BEACH BAG each! One of them even had a beach bag ON TOP of her small purse.

I also got patted down quite intimately. It's funny how they use the back of their hands when they work around your boobs haha. I think it did make it less awkward but they were still definitely moving things around hahaha.

Dust said...

well, if you needed a change of adult diaper, i suppose they'd let you bring a beach bag too. hahaha


Steph said...

Looks like they have dropped the ban on carry-on luggage. Yay!