Thursday, January 07, 2010


Went to hot yoga on New Year’s day. Moksha Yoga has a Friday evening class based on a minimum donation ($5 - $8 depending on location) which goes to charity. This was my second time ever doing hot yoga (or any yoga, for that matter), and it was pretty enjoyable.

About a month ago, I pulled a muscle in my neck / upper back and it’s been bothering me for a while. I figured some yoga might help relieve the tension and improve the flexibility in my neck, and it worked, at least as a short-term reprieve. It had about the same effect as a massage therapy session.

Going forward, I’m going to try to attend one class a week, generally Friday nights, if I don’t have to work the weekend. It seems like a good way to help even out my muscle imbalances in my neck, shoulders, and back (damned DBR). I’d been advised before by my RMT that I might run into neck and back issues because the difference in height between my right and left shoulders exceed 1”. Sure enough, I get chronic injuries to the left side of my neck.

Over the holidays, Chapters/Indigo had a 20% off sale on yoga equipment, plus KT gave me a few gift cards that she’d received earlier in the year. So, I scored myself a yoga mat and bag. It cost me next to nothing (well, apart from the gift cards).

As for what to wear, I don’t see myself in yoga tights or anything from Lulu Lemon. Based on the two times I’ve gone, I found that compression shorts under running shorts worked the best. Swimming trunks definitely did not work – they kept sticking to my legs and I was constantly afraid I’d bust a seam. The compression shorts don’t stick to the running shorts, so that’s one way to maximize range of motion without sacrificing… privacy.

Anyway, yoga will be an official part of my workout regimen, but I’ll keep it to a minimum. Maybe max once a week, no more. I don’t want to end up a human pretzel, and I still need a little inflexibility to run for distance.



Steph said...

i wanted to take up hot yoga this year too but found it too expensive. But i guess if you just go to the charity days then it should be cheaper. I think i'll wait until if and when i get injured and then do yoga.

Dust said...

y'know what they say about an ounce of prevention...

anyway, $5 to $8 for 75 to 90 min of yoga once a week is totally worth it.


Simon said...

Wii Fit?

Dust said...

costs how much?

Besides, there's nothing like an instructor with a smokin body to motivate you.

Apparently the instructor at the new hot yoga facility in Extreme @ Yonge/Sheppard is pretty hot. Belinda Kim... even my hetero female colleague was attracted to her. I cancelled my membership to Extreme a few months ago, though... so too bad.

Anyway, she has her own website. go google her.


ehbaba said...


So weird to hear you talk about Belinda that way...I went to high school with her and played vball with her for a few years. We were friends back in the day but fell out of touch since she dropped from the vball scene.

Actually, she'd probably appreciate your comments since she has aspirations to be a model!

Cammie said...

HAHA, i was just going to say, i think that's steph's friend. hahaha

Dustin, do you know if any other moksha yoga locations have that charity deal? namely...the richmond hill branch?

Dust said...

Yes, they do. That's the one I went to, actually. Real close to where you and steph live...

Look for anything that says "economy" or "karma" or "community." Those are all $7. Read the descriptions for each of the classes, as Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Moksha are different programmes.

Steph said...

hey that was one of the 2 places that i was considering trying out. The other place was yoga tree richmond hill.

which also has yoga for $7. maybe one of these days i will go and try it out. I went to a yoga class at the Y and i suck.

Cammie said...

i don't see 7 bucks at yoga tree anywhere

Dust said...

It's okay if you suck.

Just keep at it and you'll get better.


Steph said...

Cam the $7 classes for yoga tree are only on fridays. I think the start times are 5:30, 6:45 and 7pm and are only 1 hour. looks like the economy classes at the one dust goes to is on thurs nights.

Tell me if you're going, i might try it out. They also have reduced heat classes for ppl who cant take the hot yoga heat. :)

Dust said...

no, they have 'karma' classes on fridays... 'karma' means the $7 fee goes to charity.

'economy' just means cheaper.

those, and sometimes you'll see 'community' are all cheap classes, all $7.
