Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Time for a Change

1) Idiot
a) Yes, it's time for a change. I'm just so tired of living a good, though boring life. I think I'm going to move out on my own and pave my own way, and try to support myself! Even though I know absolutely nothing about moving out, and living on my own. Doesn't matter, it's time for a change.

b) Yes, it's time for a change. I'm just so tired of a Liberal government. I think I'm going to vote Conservative! Even though I know absolutely nothing about what the Conservatives stand for. Doesn't matter, it's time for a change.

2) Idiot
a) I'm against communism. Nothing else matters, I'm going to join Hitler because he hates communists too.

b) I'm against same-sex marriages. Nothing else matters, I'm voting for the Conservatives based purely on religious beliefs.


Anonymous said...

wahh..gum ahm geh. i wrote at 11:25 too. well then, good luck..with everything.

Simon said...

look on the bright side -- harper's as impotent as a nuclear worker wearing crotchless pants.

ehbaba said...

that's pretty impotent