Sunday, February 05, 2006


Oh My Godiva!

I bought a box of 16 Raspberry Truffles from Godiva last week, and I'm now down to the very last one. At a retail value of more than $2 apiece, you can't help but savour every beautiful thing about Godiva's Chocolates, from shape and design, to the little raspberry seeds that get stuck in your teeth. The dark chocolate shell is actually formed by two thin layers and doesn't just shatter to pieces when broken. The pulpy raspberry filling makes for a treat that's not just a load of tasteless sweetness that describes most mass produced chocolates of today. While Pot of Gold and other brands use raspberry icing as the filler, Godiva opts for a real raspberry pulp, more jam/jelly-like than anything else. Hard little raspberry seeds and that sharp sour tang gives it that much more integrity as a Raspberry candy. The bitterness of the semisweet dark chocolate contrasts the sweet and soft raspberry filling in both texture and taste. As both parts melt together in the mouth, there is a mixture of hard and soft, bitter and sweet. The two distinct tastes of chocolate and raspberry remain separate to the end. Really, I've not tasted a better chocolate confectionary in my world. If you don't know what to get your loved one this Valentine's Day, get her a box of Godiva's Raspberry Truffles. If she has the slightest idea of what good food is, she'll love them for sure.



Anonymous said...

maybe you should be a food critic. ..

Cammie said...

and i thought I liked are so a pregnant woman...

Simon said...

now i want chocolates.

i don't even like chocolate.

Dust said...

Well, the whole point was basically to say that if you don't like Godiva's Raspberry truffles, you're a classless fool.

Next time we get together, I'll see if I can have a box lying around for you guys to try. If you don't see what's so special about it, you're a fool. Hahaha.