Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Poo update

Why is it so taboo to talk about poo (c.f. Feb 3)? It's a natural bodily function that we must perform relatively frequently. I would dare say that some of us might actually enjoy that meditative weight loss process. Sitting position... Alone... Relaxed... Aromatic environment. Okay, speaking of aroma, do you ever wonder if poo fumes stick to you when you leave the premises? Do you end up walking around smelling like peppy le peu? Personally, I'm not gonna take the chance. I dropped an 'iceberg' just now, and I think a shower will remove any lingering residues or such from my person.

Oh, and by the way, I've added some links and fixed links to Ivan and Simon's blogs

1 comment:

Dust said...

I have a reading week in a week. if the weather's mild, we should go pack a pipe.