Thursday, March 22, 2007

Belated Update Part 1

I meant to post a lot earlier, but I've been pretty busy at work. A lot's happened recently, but because I know some of you have short short short attention spans, I'll have to spread the news out over a week or so.

So, for those of you who don't know, the Black 2-Door '03 Civic is gone. I smashed it into a pole a few weeks ago, and even though I was able to drive away from that one, the frame got a little bent out of shape. By 'a little,' I mean, the tires were rubbing up against the front panels. Airbags deployed, windshield cracked, Damage to the hood, the two front panels, the bumper, a headlight, the grill, and the frame got a little bent out of shape.

But don't worry. I'm okay. I'm okay in more than that sense too. Shit happens in three's right? I got a parking ticket, I fucked up my knee, and I smashed the car. There - that's three.

So, I drove a Hyundai Elantra around for a few weeks, and my family just bought a new car. By 'my family,' I mean me. Yes, it was quite a financial blow, or rather, it will be when I start paying the new insurance rate. Please allow me to introduce the newest member of the family: Blue 4-Door Honda Civic '06. Took it out for a spin last night, and I'm pretty impressed. It's better than the old one in just about all respects. At first, I was displeased with the digital speedometer and display, but after about 15 minutes, I really started to appreciate it. It's still got that 'new car smell' and feel too, even though it's second-hand.

Anyway, that's about it for now.

Next update: My knee.


Dust said...

I can afford a condo, if I wanted to buy one bad enough. I'm a saver. I save a significant portion of every paycheque I make.

Dust said...

yeah, i mean just the downpayment, and assuming i could get a mortgage...

buying a place just doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do right now, financially speaking.

i'll plan to stay at home until i'm forced by circumstances to move out (ie. get married).

in other news...

ever heard of 'accident forgiveness?'
it's when the insurance company 'forgives' your first major accident, and decides not to raise your rates.


can anyone say Free Car?



Cammie said...

yea, they usually let you off the hook for the first accident. you really maxed it how much do you actually have to pay for the car now?

what is it with your family and civics?

and what happened to make you hit a pole?

Dust said...

my bum knee... i slipped.


i paid the $1000 deductable and offered to pay the $3000 difference in price between the cars.

my parents sorta waved/waived the difference.


Evan said...

After getting a ride in your car tonight, it's nice. Smoother than the last civic and a much nicer interior. This end result may have been much better for you. You have your own new car instead of paying your parents $4000 in a few years to buy the old black 2 door from them.

Steph said...

is it a sedan or a coup? the dark blue or the lighter blue?

Now we have matching cars (if you have the sedan)!

Yea i really like the interior too. I just washed mine yesterday and it looks so damn sexy.

Yea buying a car is quite a financial pain in the butt but the freedom it provides is priceless
