He's cute, like koala bear cute. He does this thing where he looks at you, half surprised, half stunned, smiling slightly. Unfortunately, behind that cute stunned look is the truth that he is honestly stunned. The guy's pretty senile.
One of my Mom's pet peeves with her dad is the fact that he believes he lives in Hong Kong. That'd be cool except that he's been living in Vancouver for the last 20 odd years. Funnily enough, he also knows that he lives in Vancouver. So, how does he rationalize this in his head? Well, it's simple really. Vancouver must be a part of Hong Kong. So, he's constantly asking us what the exchange rate is. Cdn dollars are actually Hong Kong dollars, and he needs to exchange those for Cdn dollars. When we try to explain to him that Vancouver and Toronto are actually both in Canada, and both very far from Hong Kong, he doesn't belive us. Refuses also to believe the atlases of the world, which we show him.
My step-grandmother is one of those loud-mouthed obnoxious middle aged Hong Kong ladies you see at the market all the time. She's a gold-digger. Complete waste of space. It was my Grandfather's birthday last weekend. She didn't even call. Must be having too much fun in HK with my Grandad's money. I'll waste no more space on that topic.
i'm glad my step mother isn't evil.
whoa.....that sounds so weird. i will never call her that again. hahaha....
he has no clue what's going on. he thinks he's visiting us and that she's still back home in 'Vancouver, HK'
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