Fuckin Rogers. Those bastards clawed back my $15 credit, claiming that it was given to me in error. When I called them, Customer Care lied their asses off, at first saying that it was a bundle discount that I shouldn't have received because I don't have a bundle. I called the rep on her bullshit and she backpedaled and deferred responsibility - sent me to Customer Relations (which is apparently different from Customer Care).
I spoke to the Customer Relations rep, who actually had the audacity to lecture me about the primary goal of a business (ie. to make money). Right, that's why you do your due diligence BEFORE agreeing to a service contract (bitch). Because that's what a REAL business does. I really don't see why I have to pay for a Rogers mistake. She tried to convince me that I'm actually lucky that Roger's didn't decide to retractively bill me for the previous months that I'd received the credit. WTF? So, let's see - I'm getting fucked every month for the next two-and-a--half years, and I'm lucky that Rogers didn't come and fuck me last month. Bitch, I'm being fucked RIGHT NOW - do you think the timing really matters to me? Escalate.
So I got to speak to a Customer Relations manager, who offered me a $5 credit. She explained that the 'system' looks for situations where credit > half the plan. Thus, she can give a $5, $10, or $15 credit, but because my plan is $24.50 ($17.50 + $7), and I already have a separate $7 credit, the largest credit I can receive is $5 ($5 + $7 = $12 ~ 50% of $24.50). She did offer to give me my $15 credit back, but mentioned that it'd get clawed back every other month (nets out to $7.50 / mo), and I'd have to call in again to get the credit re-instated.
So I accepted the $5 monthly credit, but after some more moaning and griping, got her to give me a free month of service as compensation.
I guess in the end, my plan is still pretty good (but not excellent). I take no consolation in that, because for some reason, my ass hurts and there's a bad taste in my mouth.
Anyway, another trip pic. I like taking pictures of stairs and flowers. I don't know why.
yea i had to call rogers everyday (sometimes several times a day) for a week to get my plan corrected as well. Bunch of idiots. I just dont get why they cant email you the contract you signed on for once you agree? Its like a typical business practice to be able to recieve the copy of the agreement you signed your name on isnt it? bunch of buggers. One of them actually had the audacity to tell me "well you know what, rogers has the best customer service" after not being able to do anything to help me. The key - speak to customer retention :)
Well... they're not a typical business. They're a virtual monopoly. They have no competitors of any significance.
If you threaten to leave, they generally are nicer to you haha
What you need is to visit a flower staircase. That would be ideal.
If I leave, I pay a massive penalty, since i'm like 6 months
into a 3 yr contract.
I was 1 years into a 3 year contract and the opt-out was something like $200. So over the course of a couple years, if you're going to save more than $200 by switching to an alternative plan, then it's worth it.
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