Thursday, April 02, 2009

Fire Sale!

According to Wikipedia, a Fire Sale is "the sale of goods at extremely discounted prices, typically when the seller faces bankruptcy or other impending distress. The term may originally have been based on the sale of goods at a heavy discount due to fire damage."

As it turns out, the original meaning isn't dead. Bootmaster on Yonge St. is having a Fire Sale following an electrical fire they recently had. All showroom pieces are 50-80% off. Mostly, I couldn't see any smoke/water damage to anything but a couple pairs of boots. I came away this afternoon with a beautiful full-grain leather belt with braided horse-hair reinforcement/decorative layer. It's stiff as hell owing to the thickness of the leather. Retails for $109, but it was half-off. It was the last brown-coloured 34" belt, so I snapped it up. They still have a 34" Black version, also 50% off, if anyone's interested. It'll fit a 32" - 36" waist, but once it starts stretching, I'd say it's probably closer to 33" - 37" waist. The leather is quite thick, so I wouldn't expect that much stretching anyhow.

I didn't like the buckle it came with, so I replaced it with one I got in Japan a couple years ago.

I think I'll go back and check out some boots this weekend. Sizes are limited, so I won't get my hopes up. I'll be hunting for a pair of black boots, simple-looking, with a western heel. Something a little dressier, that can be polished.




Simon said...

Where is there a store named Bootmaster on Yonge??

Now that I think about it, although we spent all of high school there, we didn't really explore much...haha

Dust said...

Yonge St, just south of isabella.

I couldn't go this weekend... I had to help my parents pick up a cedar gazebo from costco. That'll be my summer project, apparently.


Steph said...

i love gazebos