Jeff's a pretty serious guy. I've known him for a really long time, since elementary school, when we were enemies. He had this jacket, see - it was bright blue and yellow, and being the bully that I am, I made fun of him and called him blueberry banana. Seems pretty benign, right? You'd think so, but I haven't seen him wear that jacket since.
He took it pretty seriously. Not unlike how he used to take video games seriously. He and I and the boys used to skip chemistry class to go play counterstrike at the local cyber cafe. Evidently, he didn't take chemistry seriously. Anyway, he really sucked. A lot. So, he studied and practiced playing counterstrike, and the next time we played, he was kicking ass. You’d think he’d be satisfied, but no. Jeff’s a pretty serious guy, and he took counterstrike seriously. He played and played and played until he became one of the best regional players. None of us could even come close. So, it’s no coincidence that at around that time, a few of us graduated from counterstrike and our interest shifted to girls.
As in his start in video games, Jeff was a bit slow in his uptake of our new interest. He’ll deny that, I’m sure, but just ask his mother. She can corroborate what I’m saying. But very much like his career in video games, he showed insight and wisdom far beyond his years. He found Beth.
It’s fitting then that Beth is also someone who has insight and wisdom beyond her years. She’s warm and caring, has a sense of humour and sharp wit to match. And bonus! She’s a red-head... When they’re together, they play off each other like a pair of talk-show hosts and if you’re lucky, you’ll be treated to a string of sarcastic tongue-in-cheek remarks. It’s great, by the way, that she appreciates his sarcasm, which I’m sure would have been lost on a dimmer bulb. It’s this aspect of their chemistry that really strikes me as uncommon, yet strong. It’s the kind of chemistry that yields a perfect match. It’s the kind of chemistry you learn from skipping chemistry class.
So, here’s to Jeff and Beth, who we shall from this day forward refer to as Eliza-jeffa-beth-ery. May you be blessed with logevity, prosperity and... fecundity.
Aaaaand, another for Her Majesty, the Queen.
The Queen!
- The Best Man's Speech, November 14th, 2009.
Congrats to Jeff! Love how evan's eyes are closed in the pic :D
Counterstrike references in a best man speech = awesome.
Yes, it was a small and laid back wedding. Probably one of the smoothest I've ever been to. There was a basic schedule of events, but we just winged the details. KISS rule - Keep It Simple Stupid.
Well done!
very well-written speech!
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