Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Now serving Rabbit Stew.

Hit up St Lawrence Mkt yesterday for some fresh rabbit.

I stewed it with red wine and the regular stewy ground roots and vegetables. It turned out quite good. Texture-wise, rabbit is like a cross between chicken and pork. It's tougher than chicken, but not as stringy as pork.

Keep-it-simple Rabbit Stew (serves 6)
1) coat rabbit chunks in flour, salt, pepper
2) melt butter in pot
3) brown rabbit chunks in pot and then take rabbit out
4) olive oil, garlic, onion, celery, sage
5) deglaze with a dry red wine
6) add chopped vegetables (I used what I had - potato, carrot, beet, mushroom)
7) add rabbit chunks back in
8) melt butter in a pan
9) fry rabbit liver to medium-rare and cut into slices
10) serve liver with cheese and crackers as appetizer
11) thicken stew with cornstarch or flour
12) serve stew when vegetables are tender


Steph said...

You know ever since i watched my first episode of bugs bunny i've always wanted to try rabbit stew. It looked so good brewing in that big black cauldron.

Dust said...

It's really good. I like it more than beef stew.

If you overcook the liver, you can mash it up and mix it into the stew as a thickener.


Anonymous said...
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Steph said...

Now i am curious as to what the removed comment said...

Dust said...

it was spam.