Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Submission Coordinator

Yes. I am now a Submission Coordinator (SC) in the group affectionately known as "the Q-Team," In the Submission Coordination Unit, which falls under the Product Submission Coordination Unit, of the Submission Management Division, ya di-da, Natural Health Products Directorate, Health Canada. Whew.

Anyway, Q-Team are all Co-op students, three from U Waterloo, two from Seneca (including me), and three that haven't arrived yet. Well, the last three, I'm not sure are Q-Team. They might be working for a different unit. Our immediate supervisor works 3 floors down, in the basement. So, pretty much, everything is done via email. It's sorta "sink or swim" here. "Have a question? Read the SOPs and the FAQs to see if that answers it. If not, then come down and ask us."

We have some pretty sweet equipment here. Our rolley chairs are the new ergonomic ones that cost hundreds of dollars each (the one that you have, Jeff). They're pretty comfortable, and even after 8 hrs of sitting, my ass isn't getting fat. The keyboard trays are a little lacking, though. There are only 2 settings: in my way, or under my desk. What with all the paperwork we have, there's barely enough deskspace, and what little there is, is too far away because the damn keyboard sticks out so much. Then, there's about 4" x 8" of mouse space. It's just enough space that at my sensitivity setting, I can get the pointer from one end of the screen to another in just one sweep. God help the fool who has a low sensitivity setting.

Where are all the fine pens? The government seems to use 0.7 mm exclusively. Thanks, Jane for those 0.38 superfine pens. They'll come in handy making my bosses squint. Oh, and I opened the "for emergency use only" package, not that I had an emergency. I just needed to know what my limits of self care are. Wouldn't want to be bleeding profusely, tearing open the package with 9.5 fingers, hoping in vain that you've packaged some polysporin in there. It also helps to know what other sort of supplies I need to buy.

On my first night in Ottawa, I had leftover fried rice from lunch, an apple and penut butter from the jar. Yesterday night, I had Beef Shawarma. Tonight, I will have instant noodles, spam, and a piece of fruit. Maybe some canned soup too. I need to go grocery shopping, but for now, my priority is mass cleaning. Once I've got this place up to a high level of cleanliness, it won't take much to maintain, and my allergies should go down (they already have significantly).

I'm not getting an internet connection or a phone line in Ottawa. I have access at work, and I'll do any emailing and chatting there. If anyone needs to reach me, you can email me or call my cellphone, the latter being reserved for urgent business.

Things that need to get done by next week:
1. Buy a pump to inflate my air mattress. I'm currently sleeping on the floor. It is very hard.
2. One more cleaning cycle.
3. Buy groceries.
4. Laundry


Cammie said...

by submission coordinator, i thought you were assigned to be torture specialist or something..haha...i was actually quite impressed for a moment with that. haha

what are you going to do at night without internet? you better have cable...

Anonymous said...

They have my rolly chair? The government sure knows how to splurge on their office workers...

Dust said...

no cable
no high-speed internet
no phone line (no dialup)

Dust said...

I read while there's daylight, play videogames at night.

i also smoke a pipe and take pictures of the view if the weather is good.

also cleaning. lots of cleaning. I'm trying to get all the sinks really shiny.

Simon said...

torture specialist??

that must be some drug he's working on for our government.

Cammie said...

what's your work e-mail?


Dust said...

firstname underscore lastname at hc-sc.gc.ca

There's a 'chinese' restaurant near my apartment, but you notice i used quot3s. This is because their menus are in english. Thankfully, there is a middle aged chinese woman who takes the orders. I can trust that her middle aged husband does the cooking in the back. At least then I can trust they cook 'real' chinese food, at least for themselves. Maybe if I say "won-ton mein," or "cha siu fan" they'll go out of their way to make me something not in the menu. I say that because there's "cha siu mein" and "won ton" as separate entities on the menu.

Had my first divisional meeting today. Brutal.
Upper mgmt (UM): We have a plan. This is our plan:...
Data Entry workers (L1): Will we still have a job with your plan?
Level 2 Screeners (my unit)(L2): ...
Level 3 Assessors (L3): ...
UM: You couldn't lose your job if you tried.
L1: the plan sucks
UM: how does it suck?
L1: detail detail detail whine bitch whine...
UM: this is the big picture, we worry about details later.
L2: ...
L3: here's a valid point...
UM: that's a valid point.
L1: detail detail detail I need to make sure my job is still around.
UM: thats a... um... valid point... i guess...
L2: ...
UM: anything else, conceptually related?
L1: detail detail detail...
UM: uh... yeah... didn't really think of that... I guess we were just so wrapped up in the BIG PICTURE, that we missed it.
L2: ...
L3: here's a valid point...
UM: that's a valid point.

Anonymous said...

rolly chair sounds fun, but Ottawa sounds lonely. u should have a party there, liven up the place b4 shining up the sinks.

hahah u know, u practically wrote a whole post on ur comment page.. and i was stupid enough to read the "detail detail detail" ...thinking to myself.. what the heck, they actually said "detail?" until afterward did i realize they weren't meant to be read.

Dust said...

I have now officially graduated to French Toast and Bacon, with a glass of milk in the morning, Cafeteria food for lunch, and Instant noodles/canned soup, bread/popcorn, and fruit for dinner. Next week, I'm moving to REAL meat.

Anonymous said...

That almost sounds sexual.

i said...

sigh. dustin experiencing solo life. maybe now people won't be so hard on me and ivan when our apartment's a mess! haha, cam remember when your mom went away?

for some reason, when dust describes his lifestyle, an image of ewan mcgregor in moulin rouge flashes in my mind

Cammie said...

you keep bringing that up! first of all, i don't remember anything but the kitchen being messy...and that's only because all the church aunties were dropping by every day and bringing my tupperwares of food cause they were afraid i'd starve to death or something. i had so much tupperware...

Second, I never made fun of your apartment being messy, so much as that unknown nasty smell that was there for so long. so glad that's gone.

Dust said...

Yeah, I'm afraid of nasty apartment smells (my building smells like typicl apartment smell). I have to like open up all the windows if i so much as make popcorn. nothing cheesier than going to work, your clothes smelling like popcorn.

i now have bbq quail, cheddar cheese, grapes and orange juice too.

Anonymous said...

wow . . .

i am glad that the culinary skills garnered at st mike's are coming in handy now :)

you can co-ordinate my submission anytime, baby.

take it easy