Friday, October 02, 2009

Happy Birthday KT

Cooked 'white chopped chicken' yesterday - aka ginger chicken. It turned out quite well. In fact I would go as far as to say that I made it better than my mom makes it.

I bought the chicken at St. Lawrence Market, on the assumption that it would be fresher and tastier. Fresher, yes - there was no chicken stink that you sometimes get from grocery store chicken. Tastier, I don't know. More like, I can't tell.

Anyway, KT came over before dinner was ready, so to keep her occupied, I had pre-arranged a scavenger hunt for her birthday gift. I hid a succession of clues around the apartment, one by one leading her to the hidden gift:

Well, it wasn't exactly that bag - the colour I chose was a new release that isn't on the website. I got the one that's a darker brown with a tinge of blue-grey. It's definitely distinct from the others.

Speaking with the Roots sales-guy, I learned that Roots ran a whole ton of limited edition versions of their bags in as many premium Italian leathers that they could ge their hands on, for the duration of TIFF. They're almost sold out of all the special stuff, but they have some dregs left. Also learned that they do free repairs on all of their leather goods. That's handy to know.

I also noticed that they have the new Roots leather footwear on display too. While the shoes are nothing special, they've brought back that iconic Roots Boot that everyone wore back in middle school. They look way too dorky. There's an 80's or 90's fashion crime aura around it that overcomes the little bit of nostalgia you might feel when you look at them.

Roots also has mid-calf length boots. They look like wellies made of soft leather. They look great stuffed with paper, but I'm not sure how well they'd stand up with a real leg in there.

Back on topic. I took KT to Ovo after dinner, where I lost my Cirque virginity. It was a pretty good show (not that I have any point of reference). I'm especially impressed by the freaky facial expressions some of those clowns/acrobats can adopt. Nightmarish stuff.



Simon said...

You really love Roots.

Dust said...

I do.

Cammie said...

i didn't know they had free repairs! nice...

Dust said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they charged for it before.

They didn't even ask me when I got it... so it's not like a warrantee or something. It's just good customer service I guess.

I gotta say, I honestly think they're the best mid-priced leather goods manufacturer/retailer in the Canadian market.

Actually, I'd venture that they have the ideal price point for leather goods (ie. best bang for your buck).