Thursday, June 25, 2009

Beer League

Played ultimate frisbee last night with beer. It was crazy fun. The objective of the game was to catch and throw one-handed without spilling the beer. It was challenging at first, but the more you drink, the easier it gets.

It's amazing how fast you get drunk when you add cardio and alcohol together. I got pretty buzzed after two beers and was mildly drunk after 4. The effect lasted a good 2 hours, but I crashed after the effect wore off.

Finished the night off at Joon's for some tabletop cooking. Every table in the restaurant ordered the tabletop cooking. I rarely see people in there who eat anything else. Our extras for the night: rice cake, cheese, noodles.

I really needed some sleep last night but it was so uncomfortably hot and muggy, I couldn't stop sweating. So, I had to keep drinking water because I felt so dehydrated. I left the door to my room open to promote ventilation, but it didn't help much. It just seems like my room is cursed with being the warmest in the house.


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