Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Chips are good for you

I'm eating this bag of PC Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Sea Salt & Vinegar Flavour, and when I look on the back of the bag, there's a Blue Menu box that's telling me this is "Good For You" - excuse me?

Potato Chips are Good For ME? You gotta be kidding, right? This stuff is almost 20% pure fat, and just becuase they have less fat than the other PC chips, they're good for me?

On another note, I took my shoes off and started walking around the office in socks. So far, nobody has noticed.



Cylie Artisans Chocolatiers said...

That's gross. Put them back on. The mice that come to eat the chocolates and candies will start nibbling on your dirty toes.

Common! Salt & Vinegar?

Dust said...

Don't be silly. We have a hawk infestation on our roof. We don't have mice anymore. or pigeons. or squirrels. all the small birds hide under the glass awning now.

The sidewalk around our building and our windowsills are littered with the corpses of small animals. Well, maybe I exaggerate - not littered, but there are a few.


Steph said...

I heard blue label items just mean they are healthier than the original non blue label item. It doesnt mean they are healthy. Just healthier. Like instead of 20%fat its 19.99% fat hahaha.