Monday, June 15, 2009

No Poo

So the no-poo campaign has started to hit the mainstream fan. Or at least, the Toronto Star.

No poo, short for 'no shampoo' takes a few forms:
1) washing hair less frequently; ie. less than every day (no wash, no poo).
2) washing hair with a dry shampoo (wash with dry poo).
3) not using shampoo when washing hair (wash with no poo).

Okay, so #1 I heard about from a podcast, and #2 I read about in The Star. #3 is my own practice.

I haven't used shampoo for the last... 8 years at least (exception - coming home from camping or an army exercise, I've used baby shampoo to get that dirt and grime out). First reactions when people find out are generally incredulity followed by disgust. To this I say:
1) my hair is short (up here and down there).
2) my hair is rarely greasy (here, touch it).
3) I have less bug bites than you (they don't even notice me).

I understand why people apply fragrant heavy-duty detergents to their hair on a daily basis, I just don't buy into it. That's all.



Simon said...

Represent. I don't use shampoo every time I wash my hair either.

Unknown said...

true dat.

also - TMI on #1?

Cylie Artisans Chocolatiers said...

Love the title.

I used to do the baby shampoo thing before when I had my Grade 11 short hair. haha.

And I think it's different for boys.