Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You are the Sunshine in my Ass

For those of you who don't know, the Canadian Organic Regulations came into force last week. This is the logo they picked for Organic foods in Canada:

It looks like the sun rising behind a set of buttocks. Maybe the implication is that if I eat Canadian Organic, I'll shit sunshine.

On a more serious note, these regulations mean that there's actually a framework and legitimacy behind the word 'organic' w.r.t. foods in Canada. When you walk into Loblaws now, you can be a little more confident that the produce labelled 'organic' actually meets the legal definition of 'organic.'

That said, I'll try not to make as much fun of organic food as much as I used to. Actually, belay that; I'll wait until I see some enforcement action before I check my skepticism.

Rebel update: My tomato plant has contracted bugs from my mint plant. I might need to euthanize the plants.



Leslie said...

You ever read "in defense of food?"

Dust said...

No, but I've heard of it. G recommended it to me.
